sabato 26 dicembre 2020


mercoledì 23 dicembre 2020





martedì 7 aprile 2020

 2020 X-Nepal Vol biv
with Geoff

 more details to come

giovedì 2 aprile 2020

wake up people, they are fucking us

lunedì 23 marzo 2020


Finally I love this feeling, the last airplane is leaving and I remain here
in the last days it has been an endless turnover of people in hurry to decide what to do
I felt a lot of pressure, and I reacted with a kind of lethargy, inability of deciding anything
I got lazy. Don't want to go through airports, don't want to be jailed in my home in italy , and for how long than ?
Making a medical certificate to go to Thailand ? Apply for a chinese visa and quarantine there ?
I am just postponing decisions. Yesterday I listened to the news and I got sick
I went out and made a permit for Annapurna trek... but who knows … will I go ?
One week ago coming back from a XNepal Vol biv I wrote this:

A sunny day in pokhara is enough, now I can die
My life is here on this bed full of my backpack stuff
emptied for cleaning after 10 days of mountain and and country
the best part of my life is here
on this terrace
drying in the sun, the tent the sleeping bag, the clean clothes
a shower with the backpack
the glider waiting to be fixed
the Nepali Saturday
the washing day